BOO! A Rootless Coffee Slasher Film

Our Killer Short "Film"

Rootless bets we love Halloween more than you. So we proved it with our new slasher film about our killer coffee.

Spoiler: it's BOO! Order now before it's gone until next year.

Watch, laugh, and tell your friends how dumb we are.

You know what's scarier than a slasher film? Running out of coffee. But for one final girl, there's a new threat: BOO!

A seemingly innocent coffee roaster unleashes chaos into the world with their seasonal Colombia roast.

After sending their coffee out to retailers, coffee shops, and through their quick shipping online store, they receive the awful news that their coffee is killer. Literally.

The only way to stop the menace? Brew it. Or stab it. Whatever you prefer, you sicko. J

ust order at

A "Film" by Jono Diener

Starring: Courtey Hayes, Jono Diener, Sean Murray, Hayley Murray, Cheston Downs

Music: Julian Pacella

#Slasher #horrorshorts #coffeeroaster #rootlesscoffee #horrorstory #craftcoffee #comedyshorts