We see mental health and suicide prevention as something you CAN ask questions about, you CAN admit to dealing with, and you should be able to do so without judgment from others or fear of being labeled dangerous, 'crazy', unlovable, a burden, ignorant, or weird. SIS takes pride in supporting every person who needs it, no matter what they look like, what they believe, who they love, or how they identify. We also believe that laughter heals, and we make sure our outreach table is filled with laughs along with the hugs and occasional tears.
Region: Brazil
Process: Natural
Elevation: 1100 MASL
Taste: Dark Chocolate, Nutty, Dried Fruit, Almond, Cherry.
Art by Branden Gelineau, Tattooer & Owner of Harline Tattoo
*DISCOUNTS DO NOT APPLY TO COLLABS. We give artists as much as we can!*